Champions of peace

For the last four weeks of Term 3 we were learning about ‘How we can be champions of peace. 

Firstly we learnt about the different symbols of peace. Some of these are koru , doves,  olive branches,  victory signs and peace signs. 

These symbols represent Safety, Kindness , Love and  Trust.

With these symbols in mind I created a Peace Artwork. My Peace Artwork represents peace because the peace symbol I chose was a yin yang and it represents peace between countries. 

We also researched some real life champions of peace and wrote a short biography. I wrote about St Francis of Assisi. I thought this person was a champion of peace because he shows peace to animals and also people.


We also created a peace prayer book. I have attached my peace prayer book here. 

prayers by ariaroge.

I enjoyed learning about peace because I know what all the symbols look like and what they all represent.

I learnt that my symbol represents peace between different countries. 

One way I plan on being a champion of peace is by being nice to everyone and showing respect. 

How can you be a champion of peace?


Pretty Predicting

Hi welcome back to my blog. This week we are looking at predicting, We had to predict about the boy on the bike and the first step of predicting is looking at the photos and guessing what the story is about. Second we read the book and looked to confirm our predictions. Third we had to confirm and rethink what we thought about the story. When I was looking at the photos I thought it was about a boy who likes biking and doing competitions with people. When I read about it I found out that he goes around New Zealand and he helps out charities to raise money for St John. The boy loves biking and he races with other people who do  competitions as well.

Have you ever done competitions for biking??

Have you ever read the book boy on the book?

Protest sign

Kia Ora, Welcome back to my blogs this week in reading we have been learning about all different types of protesting. what we are reading making connections and answering the questions. Our focus for this week to make connections between texts. In our reading workshop the book what we were reading was called Stand Up a History of New Zealand After the book we read we had to answer questions These are the questions.

Think about what you know about protesting?                                                                                                                       What protests have you heard in the NZ history?                                                                                                                 Where have you read them before?

For my Reading Create We had 3 options to pick from. The first task was to write a topic from the story and you had to create a poster or a placard that you would have to take to a protest.

Here”s my Create task:

I enjoyed doing something diffrent.

What would you put on your placard?

Reading create

Kia ora welcome back to my blogs, this week we were focusing on a novel and it is called an east German childhood and they had to build a wall that they only built in 2 days so east Germany and west Germany could be separated. Our create was to make a google drawing of the text conversion between my cousin and I so i Picked my cousin Eden Before we started our create we had to read the book what is called an east German childhood. on the 13th of august 1961 the east German government began to start building a wall right through the city of Berlin and they built it in only 2 days.

This is my conversation I had with my cousin?

Maths Create

Hi Guys Welcome back to my blogs,

This week we have been learning about symmetry and geometry our create task for this week was floor plans for symmetry and geometry so we had to make our own designs with 6 shapes and we had to use the complementary colours and the colours what are often complementary colours  Red, green, yellow , purple orange , blue , green and last but not least is magenta so I choose most of those colours and heaps of diffrent shapes. here is a picture of my floor planing.

Purple/yellow: squares orange/red:heart  green/purple: Triangle  Orange/blue:diamond  yellow/purple:circle

What is symmetry? symmetry is the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts and also they face each other.

Do you like symmetry?

Reading Blog

Kia ora,welcome back to my blogs

This week in reading we have been focusing on making predictions about all the texts in the books and we are looking at pictures and the tittle to try make a predictions on what is happening.For our learning in our workshop we were watching movie clips to try to make a prediction on  what is going to happen next. The create on what we did for this weeks reading we used a template for making predictions what we think will happen, after we read some of the book and then after we read the whole book. The book what we were reading and making predictions about was called by the river.




Amazing Blogs:

Kia ora,

This week In Science we have been learning about electricity. The experiment that we were doing is called battery power. Here are all the materials we used for this science experiment.


  • T beaker
  • S beaker
  • specimen
  • Zinc nails
  • copper nails
  • water
  • salt that also has sodium and chloride iron
  • buzzer with metal clips

Our Hypothesis was,that the buzzer would make a noise when we put salt in it. In conclusion me and my    group were right. If you did the experiment right it would make a squeaking noise and if you didn’t do the experiment right it wouldn’t make a squeaking noise.

How we started making it: first we started to fill up the cup with the T beaker and we filled it up with tap water. Then we put 3/4 in the specimen jar and then we attached the buzzer with the clips holding onto the nails if you tried to make it work and you did two of the same nails it wouldn’t work  and if you tried to do two different nails it would work and it would make quite a loud noise.


This is what we were focusing on.

Something I found challenging was we were trying for quite a while to make the noise work.

Something I found interesting was that if you use two different nails for the experiment most likely it would work if you used  two of the same nails it wouldn’t work.

Have you ever done a science experiment before?




Pick a Path

Kia ora

This term In maths we have been learning about fractions for our questions we have been doing addition,subtraction,multiplying and dividing fractions. and the create was a pick a path so we had to do 5 questions of each fraction. so we made up 15 questions and there was a right or wrong question and if you got it wrong it will take you to a wrong page and if you get it correct it will take you on a page what says good job.

have you ever made a pick a path ?

Reading Create

Kia ora, this week for reading we have been looking at books and we had to pick 2 parts in the whole story and then we had to draw scenes in the story and the book what I did is The explorer I liked the pictures from the book the 1st picture is were he was flying into the sky on a plane and the 2nd picture was a boy and there was thunder and rain and then i wrote some bits out of the story to explain what the story is about.

This is my DLO.

I have really enjoyed doing this create because I like visualising what I am reading and I really enjoyed making this pictures.

Have you ever read The Explorer?

My Characters Profile

Kia Ora This week I have been doing great work. This week In our writing workshop we have been doing character profiles.I will be focusing and learning the characters In the fairy tale.we have been writing character profiles about the fairy tales what we have been focusing on this fairy tale what I have been doing this week I have been writing about snow plot twist Is where the dwarfs push snow white into a hole what they were digging and put concrete on top of her and she had 1 minute till she died but the prince charming came and saved her.I will be showing you my slideshow It has details about the characters twists about the fairy tale and the story.

Here Is my slideshow:


I really enjoyed Learning the writing this week it was so interesting and cool to write.

Q. How could you make your story interesting?